Bertha “Mom”Whyte, our Founder
After running a children’s home in Canada followed by 13 years as a missionary in Africa, Bertha “Mom” Whyte, in her eighties, was unable to turn her eyes away from the need she saw in the Rio Grande Valley.
The U.S. census estimates, Hidalgo County, Texas has some 53.8% of its children living in poverty. Many have been forgotten by everyone except the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord raised up Bertha, a Winter Texan from Canada, to reach out to the poor, to bring some light and hope into their lives.
Bertha and His Hands Ministries seek to walk in the same spirit that Jesus walked in according to Luke 4:18-19 that says: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. ……. to set free those who are downtrodden, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.”
In 2013, the Lord called Bertha home in her 97th year. The “Torch” was passed to her children, Ron (as President) his wife Bea, Jane and her husband Ray. To carry on the work that she had started in 1996 and to fulfill her vision. Ron, Bea and Jane had also served in the mission field with their mother in Nigeria, during the 60’s.